Book Launch

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ANN ARBOR, MI / (May 9-10, 2014) - Wayne Moore of Ann Arbor, surviving member of the Wilmington Ten  whose wrongful conviction in the 1970s made him a national symbol for social and racial injustice at the age of 19, is releasing a memoir, "Triumphant Warrior: Memoir of a Soul Survivor of the Wilmington Ten,"  on Mother’s Day weekend.

Part 1 of the Michigan Book Launch will be held 6 p.m. May 9 at the Church of the Good Shepherd, United Church of Christ, 1945 Independence Blvd., in Ann Arbor,  followed by Part 2 of the Michigan Launch 5 p.m. May 10 at Bookbound Bookstore, 1729 Plymouth Road, in Ann Arbor. Both events are FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.

After Moore was tried and convicted in the 1972 civil rights case of the Wilmington Ten, his mother, Dolores F. Moore, said of his unjust conviction: “Wayne won’t speak up about what happened to him and the rest of the Wilmington Ten, but I will!”

Now, in his new memoir, Moore has shared his story. He has written a powerful piece, from the flames of racial hatred during the turbulent times of change and desegregation in Wilmington, N.C., from 1968 to 1971. Desegregation had come at the expense of the closing of the only all-black high school, a move that some blacks in Wilmington described as “like a death in the family.”

"Triumphant Warrior" describes how state and federal officials conspired together to unjustly frame arrest, try and imprison members of the Wilmington Ten who were actively protesting the institutionalized racial discrimination and hostilities surrounding the closing of Williston Senior High School and forced, court-ordered desegregation of the public school system in New Hanover County and Wilmington.

Moore served more than four years in prison after being tried and convicted of firebombing a grocery store and conspiracy to assault emergency personnel following three years of racial unrest in Wilmington.

After 42 years of trials and appeals, on Jan. 31, 2012, outgoing Gov. Beverly Perdue issued a full pardon of innocence to the Wilmington Ten.

Moore is still active in civil rights, founding the Wilmington Ten Foundation for Social Justice in 2011. Moore, who originally came to Ann Arbor to find work after he was unsuccessful in his hometown of Wilmington, has lived quietly in Ann Arbor for more than 26 years working as an electrician.

“Writing my story over these years, starting as little more than scribbles to myself while I sat lost, at first, in a prison cell, has helped him regain a life in which so much was stolen,” said Moore.

 Books can be purchased on the Foundation website and on Amazon beginning May 9. Moore is available for interviews, speaking engagements, media appearances and book-signings. For more information, please contact Leslie McGraw at


Surviving member of Wilmington Ten releases memoir on Mother’s Day weekend

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