Last night on a radio program I was asked to share my thoughts about today’s
black leaders. I responded that in the past we had authentic black leaders who
were freedom fighters; people who would lay down their lives for the cause.
Today we have a lot of political pimps posing as freedom fighters, whose deepest
desire has little to with the liberation of the masses , and more to with
economic and celebrity status. This may
be fine for personal upward mobility, but it does nothing to liberate the
remember many years ago, wearing overalls and marching behind a mule, alongside SCLC leaders like Golden Frinks and
Hosea Williams. Many of today’s leaders
wear designer suits while only pretending
to lead the masses from limousines and expensive hotel ballrooms.
Most of these people were tried and tested in the early day s of the struggle,
but seem to have become blinded by the bright lights of their own personal